Dan's Summer of Code My progress over the summer

Week 3

This week I started implementing the parsing library in phpMyAdmin. For now, my task is to implement the library and partially refactor code that is related to the old usage of the library.

So far, I replaced some of the helper functions that were defined in the old parser. I replaced PMA_SQP_isKeyword(), PMA_SQP_getAliasesFromQuery() and PMA_RTN_parseAllParameters(). The $PMA_SQPdata_forbidden_word array has been replaced to the array that holds all forbidden words from the Context class which and will benefit from multiple contexts when finished.

The library have seen some improvements as well: implemented some utilities (that replace old functions of the phpMyAdmin parser), changed tests’ format, has better parser for fields and data types, etc.

My task for the upcoming week is to finish replacing all calls to the old parsing library and remove it completely. This week, I have two last exams and as soon as I am done, I am going to have more free time to work on phpMyAdmin.

To see my progress, you can check out my library repository or the pull request I submit for phpMyAdmin.